At the start of a new year, it is important to reflect on the previous year and assess our achievements, guiding us towards future goals.
Last year was a positive one for Lincoln City Gifts. Sales remained consistent with previous years despite a significant rise in operating expenses. Thanks to the steadfast support from our customers, we managed to navigate these challenges and continue to contribute positively to our community.
Lincoln City Gifts provided approximately 100 backpacks, with essential school supplies, to local children in need. This initiative carried a value of $3000, which we were pleased to contribute. Additionally, we supported various community programs with funds totaling $15,000.00.
We also gave our time. Most of our staff are proud members of Lincoln City Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis International is a service organization that focuses on helping children, and in Lincoln City, as a secondary cause, we honor our veterans. We were able to provide roughly 400 hours of service in our community! Combine that with the rest of the Kiwanis club, and thousands of hours of service were provided to those who needed it most. I would be remiss to not also mention the other organizations in our area who partner with Kiwanis, such as Rotary Club, Lincoln City Parks and Recreation, City of Lincoln City, Elks, Eagles, Family Promise, Explore Lincoln City, Angel's Anonymous, Lincoln County School District, and more.
By supporting Lincoln City Gifts, you support our community. We could never give of ourselves, either time or finance, without our loyal customers. This is why we work so hard to bring you the best products at the best prices. Our business ensures not only a great shopping experience, but a great community to visit as well.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who makes our fairytale beach life possible. We truly appreciate your patronage. We couldn't do it without you. We will be brining you some amazing new product lines each season this year, so make sure to visit us often!